Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Nippon Obsession (Intro)

Japan/Nippon/日本/Jepun/Jepang - The Land of the Rising Sun! I'm in love with this country since the first day of my first visit. That was back in March 2010. I have happy and sad memories in this particular country, lots of smiles and laughter, followed by continuous tears of sorrow. It took me several months to recover from the grief. :(

I'm amazed with the culture, discipline, food, art, hospitality, technology, etc. etc. of Japan and its people. They queue in line while waiting for public transport, not knocking into each other while walking even in the busiest stations during the rush hour, trains and buses are clean and punctual, how they recovered from the Tohoku Earthquake.

I'm learning some simple Japanese language now, I can read and write hiragana now. I plan to travel across Japan one day, from Okinawa to Hokkaido. :D

Watashi wa Lee desu. Malaysia kara kimashita.
Douzo yourishiku onegai shimasu.


Rurousha said...

こちらこそよろしく! (Pleased to meet you too!)

Japan has been my home since 2006. Sometimes my students ask me, "How long do you want to live here?" I answer, "I want to die here." It usually takes them a few seconds to figure it out. ^^

Japan isn't perfect and it has many challenges facing it, but it's the best place in the world to be.

PS: That journey from the north to the south? That's my retirement plan! :D

Rurousha said...

Do you know the book "The roads to Sata" by Alan Booth? He walked (walked!) through the length of Japan. If you haven't read it yet, I can't recommend it enough.
